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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Licensed Partners

It is always exciting to have your work accepted by manufacturers and to see the products they place your artwork on.  This page has been set up to keep a record of current Licensed Partners - thank you for doing all the hard work of actually MAKING the product - I just get to do the FUN paint!

Thank you to Jasons for these great Placemats!

Vintage Metal

..I am a great 'copycat' - saw this as a project here at K.F.Designs  and just HAD to create something for my own home.  These are just Paper Mache numbers/letters painted to look like Metal - here is my Vintage Metal Collection I made this weekend...

and then...ta! da!....

I loved the look of these SO much, I went straight out to get some numbers...and...

You guessed it....I had to make a clock...a very BIG clock...

Still 'no hands'....but looking cute eh!